#1 MOST POPULAR Gavi under $40
Villa Sparina Gavi di Gavi is rated by Wine-searcher as the most popular Gavi under 40$ in May 2021.
Served in 10 Michelin Star Restaurants
Villa Sparina is a real star, in fact it is served in multiple Michelin star restaurants, included: Osteria Francescana by Massimo Bottura, Ristorante Reale by Niko Romito, Antica Corona Reale.

4 different bottle formats available
Villa Sparina offers 4 different bottle format, up to 6 liters.
Iconic bottle shape
The bottle of Villa Sparina took shape thanks to an innovative project of the Moccagatta family.
The project was given into the hands of the Italian designer Giacomo Bersanetti who was inspired by an ancient amphora found during the excavation while restoring the estate.